Monday, October 1, 2012

On Pins and Needles...

I am on them right now...pins and needles that is.  September was a month full of yearning and hope.  Yearning to hear about progress and of new faces moving to Jane's House.  Hope that the courts would open up on October first, and referrals would start coming again.

We moved up to number 5 at some point throughout the month, which was amazing.  I remember starting out on the list at number 22 and moving up 12 spots in just 2 months!  It was so exciting!  Then we were hit hard by the realization that we were not going to get our baby as soon as we had anticipated due to the rainy season and court closure in Ethiopia.  The next few months droned on as we moved only 4 spots in 4 months.

But as we sit, a little antsy, in number 5...I finally feel like there is a light at the end of this tunnel!  I am currently waiting to get the September updates from my case worker...have we moved up?  I don't think so. But I know there are good things to come...and maybe soon!!  I was informed last week that there are 3 infants at Jane's House right now waiting to be referred.  With only one or two families ahead of us waiting for an infant, this was music to my ears!  Could my son be there right now as I type this??  I pray that he is.  I pray that there are women there who are loving him, and holding him, and telling him it won't be long now.

Mommy and daddy are waiting for him.

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