Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well, we are still working on our formal application. We are really hoping to have that turned in soon, hopefully this Friday. There is so much paperwork and so many forms that need to be filled out. It is harder to find the time than I thought it would be, especially for our medical forms/physical release. Andrew's schedule makes it hard to get him appointments. But he is going tomorrow, and I had mine last week. Sooooo, after that we should be ready to turn it all in!!! This is pretty exciting because that will start the actual adoption process. They are telling us that as of now, from the time you hand in your formal application until you actually are taking your child home, it could be anywhere from 12 months to 2 years. Everything is so up in the air though and it's always possible for those things to change since we are dealing directly with another country. We are praying that there isn't too much waiting...but we are ready to handle whatever comes our way. We know we may have to be flexible and patient, and are ready to do so. Please keep us in your prayers!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

So much to consider...

Well, I thought that coming to the decision to adopt was the hard part. I was wrong. Now that Andrew and I are considering adoption, there are soooo many choices that need to be made: When to adopt, where to adopt from, what agency to use, where to get the money, how will our families react, how do we adjust, what needs to change, and soooo much more! We are going crazy with all of the "what ifs." I just wish there were answers...but I suppose like most good things in life, only time will tell. We need to trust that this is all part of a bigger plan and we are not in control. It's a scary thing.

So, for now, we are trying to handle all of the decisions and the confusion one day at a time. I'm praying that God guides us, provides for us, and shows us the way we are suppose to go. We appreciate your prayers as well.:)